Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic Book Orders
Order books here! Class Activation Code: GQLKG

Monday, December 10, 2012

Parent Letter

Hello!  We have been working hard in the classroom and getting a lot of things accomplished.  Yah!  We continue to work on being responsible third graders such as being responsible with completing work and being a respectful listener in the classroom.  Ask your child if he or she is a respectful and responsible third grader by listening to the speaker or responsible about handing in his or her homework.

It looks that winter has finally arrived with the snow we received yesterday.  Now that there is snow on the ground, please see that your child is wearing his or her winter coat, winter boots, snow pants, hat, and gloves.  I would also suggest that your child brings an extra pair of clean socks to keep in his or her locker to change into if his or her socks get wet.  Thanks!

This week, your child will be taking the unit 3 math test on measurement.  Next week, your child will be taking the social studies test.  To help your child prepare for the social studies test, there is a link on my blog page.  Under the section titled "Information to Remember," click on the link "Social Studies."  Next, you will click on "Unit 1: Communities and Geography."  Then your child can explore the information we have read to review the concepts from the first unit.  There are also games that your child can play that will review the vocabulary words.  Your child will begin the test next Monday and will bring home his or her social studies book to study this coming weekend.  When both tests are completed and corrected, you will see the results of the tests.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

The "Big Blast" party that we have earned from our fundraiser will take place on Tuesday, December 18th.  Because of the "Big Blast" party, we are asking if there would be any parents available to volunteer to help out at the party.  Our class will be celebrating from 9:00-10:30 that morning, so if there would be any parents that could volunteer to help out during that time, please let me know as soon as possible.  You can send me a note, email, or call if you can help out.  Thanks for the help!

Later this week, there will be a note going home to explain a classroom "Care and Share" party that will take place at the end of the next week.  There are some things that your child will need to do to prepare for this party.  You will also get information about your child's inquiry project that your child will need to bring supplies for.  WATCH YOUR CHILD'S FOLDER LATER THIS WEEK FOR THIS NOTE AND INFORMATION!  Thank you!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.  Thanks and have a great week!

Mrs. McCarville

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